Sleep Regression Baby And What You Should Know
Sleep regression baby. Understanding every child’s development is important for a mother. As a form of love for his son. Mother’s love has been given since she was pregnant until giving birth and so on.
The development of a newborn is also a major topic for a mother to ensure that her baby is doing well. Including when experiencing sleep regression baby.
What is sleep regression baby?
With the increasing age of the baby, sometimes the baby’s sleep time becomes erratic so that it often makes mothers anxious.
Actually this is just a matter of the babys development process. Decreases sleep time or changes in the baby;s sleep period is not a serious problem for babies.
Newborns sleep more than they wake up. Generally, they need 16.5 hours of sleep per day which is divided into day and night naps.
However, usually the baby’s sleep pattern is still irregular. Yes, they tend to wake up when they feel hungry or uncomfortable in their sleep. Even so, the duration of the baby’s sleep will continue to decrease with age. Of course this will make the baby more awake than asleep.
Definition Of Sleep Regression in Baby
This condition is usually called sleep regression in baby. Reported by What to Expect, sleep regression is a period of sleep in babies that tends to fluctuate. During regression, a baby who was sleeping soundly suddenly has difficulty falling asleep or wakes up fussy in the middle of the night.
Infant sleep regression usually lasts about 2 to 4 weeks. Babies will experience sleep regression at the age of 4 to 12 months. Because, at that age the baby is experiencing rapid development. This makes the baby have to adapt to the new habits he finds.
So baby sleep regression can also be referred to as reduced sleep time because there are changes in the baby’s development and growth.
Sleep Regression Cycle in Babies
In fact, sleep regression can occur at any time, as this condition is associated with unpredictable factors such as disturbances in routine or illness. But there are periods when infant sleep regression is relatively predictable, due to growth spurts, teething, or entering new developmental milestones such as the following:
3-4 months old
Baby sleep regression at 4 months of age is often the hardest for parents to accept, as it is the first time. There are several causes of baby sleep problems at this age. Such as, the pain of teething, the hunger associated with growth spurts, and the joy of rolling over for the first time.
In essence, there is a new growth that occurs in the baby so that it changes the baby’s sleep cycle.
6 months old
Some babies will experience a growth spurt at the age of 6 months. However, at this time, the baby has been able to sleep through the night and may wake up just to change sleeping positions.
Age 8-10 months
Some babies start crawling when they are 8 to 9 months old and start standing up at 10 months. However, some of them also start later or faster than that. During this developmental period, babies also tend to have more difficulty sleeping at night.
The sleep cycle will vary. They will wake up at night and continue to search for the whereabouts of their mother.
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